Made To Stick by Chip & Dan Heath: Summary and Notes
Ever wondered why proverbs and urban legends stick around for centuries?
“When you say three things, you say nothing.”
Rating: 9/10
Related: Decisive, Switch, Contagious, The Psychology of Persuasion, The Tipping Point
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Made To Stick Short Summary
Made To Stick explores why some ideas survive and others die. Chip and Dan Heath lay down the 6 principles behind why some ideas live centuries. A great book on how to write compelling stories.
Why Some Ideas Stick?
Most of the ideas you interact with are interesting, but not sensational. Truthful, but not mind-blowing. Important, but not ‘life or death’. As a result, you forget about them in seconds.
For example:
Can you remember the last ad you’ve seen and what was it about? Probably not.
But why do some ideas stick and others don’t?
There are 6 factors of SUCCESs for stickiness:
- Simple
- Unexpected