InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreHow to Brain Dump, Stop Overthinking, and Start FocusingItâs stressful to remember the right information at the wrong time. If youâre tired of overthinking, brain dumps are just what you need.Jan 25, 20212Jan 25, 20212
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreFear-Setting: How to Define Your Fears (+Template)Doing what you truly want is frightening. Fear-setting helps you overcome this.Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreFuture Self: How to Think Ahead and Love the PresentYour future self represents the person youâll eventually become. It helps us understand the decisions we make today and make more progress.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
Dan SilvestreFear of Failure and Procrastination: 8 Reasons Youâre Sabotaging ActionFear of failure and procrastination. What does one have to do with another?Dec 21, 20202Dec 21, 20202
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreJust in Time InformationI only look for that specific information when I need it: the concept of "Just in Time Information".Jul 9, 2018Jul 9, 2018
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestrePersonal Mission Statement: How to See Progress and Gain PerspectiveOne of the best return-on-time-invested exercises I have been doing in the last few months is writing a personal mission statement.Apr 8, 2019Apr 8, 2019
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreSelective Ignorance: A Blessing in a World of ChaosIn 1999, two cognitive psychologists from Harvardâââconducted one of the most groundbreaking experiments in selective ignorance.Nov 1, 2018Nov 1, 2018
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreThe Unimportance of Practically EverythingThe unimportance of practically everything can be seen in both our personal and professional lives. Choose a life designed by you, for you.Oct 3, 20182Oct 3, 20182
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreThe Freedom Currency: How to Change the Way You Look at MoneyTo change your perception of money, stop calling it money. Instead, invent your own freedom currency, one that relates to your dream.Sep 17, 20183Sep 17, 20183
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreHow Your Environment Design Impacts Your DecisionsTo make better decisions, focus on what you control: impact your environment, so it impacts your choices.Sep 13, 20181Sep 13, 20181
Dan SilvestreQuit, Quit, Quit. Then Quit Again.The closer you are to finishing the task the more complicated it is to quit it. Our brain needs the closure of the task being completed.Sep 11, 2018Sep 11, 2018
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreHow to Do What You Love, ForeverStart to look at money in terms of âtimeâ, instead of âcurrencyâ. Once you make that shift, you become invincible.Sep 11, 20181Sep 11, 20181
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreBecome a Master at QuittingThe closer you are to finishing the task the more complicated it is to quit it. Our brain needs the closure of the task being completed.Jul 10, 20181Jul 10, 20181
Dan Silvestre10 Proven Self-Confidence Tips To Gain God-Like CharismaYour head floods with all the things that could go wrong. An inner voice says youâre not cool enough to try anything like that.Mar 24, 2020Mar 24, 2020
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestreHow to Be Consistent: The Skill You Need to Master Anything in LifeTrain yourself to show up and youâll be able to achieve value and meaning in your life.Jan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
InThe StartupbyDan SilvestrePerception Paradox: Who Changed?"People are into startups a lot these days." The perception of what is trending and interests people is affected by environment.Jul 9, 20182Jul 9, 20182